Rohar's Firebringer Oasis

Entering a portal, you suddenly find yourself in a small oasis in the middle of a vast plains, with wide rolling expanses of land, covered with long plainsgrass. Looking around the oasis itself, you see that the oasis is sheltered by thick plainsbushes, and has a small pond in the centre. As you look around, suddenly you hear the drumming of hooves coming closer, approaching the oasis. A moment later, with a rustling of bushes, a unicorn stallion enters. He is the colour of a ripe peach with red dappling on his chest, lower neck and forequarters, with a cornflower blue mane and tail, and salmon stockings, and a pale blue crystalliue horn,. Turning to face, he bows down on one knee in the manner of a plains and whickers a greeting
"Hail, and well met! I am Rohar, and I welcome you to my oasis."
He pauses a moment and then looks at you in a warm friendly manner.
"Perhaps you'd like me to show you around?
Meet some of my family and friends ? or hear about some of the tales of my life ? Or perhaps you'd like to hear some tales from my own adventure or tales from my family ?
Or perhaps you'd like to see my net-sire's pages, with info about the world I live in and it's history, of the races & people, and tales of the famed firebringer and his people.
You might also be interested in the society, IFAS - he runs with his close friends, who are also net-sires or dams to many of my own friends."